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23. 6. 2010 | 19:46 Counter Strike: Source
Aktualizace 21:33Update vyšel, stahuje se automaticky přes distribuční systém STEAM. Níže naleznete seznam změn.
Výchozí obrázek

Aktualizace 21:33

Update vyšel, stahuje se automaticky přes distribuční systém STEAM. Níže naleznete seznam změn.


144 achievements added
New lifetime player stats and summary screens
New match player stats and summary screens
New end of round display with MVP and interesting fact about a player
Updated scoreboard with new icons, visual style, MVP stars, and avatar pictures
New cinematic death camera
New domination and revenge system
Added avatar icons to voice chat, scoreboard, and end of round display
Incorporated many source engine updates
Disallowed the use of arbitrary command strings for the message of the day screen. Now only a specific list of commands is allowed.
Addressed issue in which AWPs and Scouts sometimes did not make the zooming sound.
cvar mat_showlowresimage is now a cheat command.
Many development console commands which would crash the server removed.
Updated source engine addresses many issues:
Better flashlight effect
Better HDR behavior
Multicore rendering support
Added sv_disablefreezecam cvar to turn off the freezecam on a server.
Added sv_nonemesis cvar to turn off domination/revenge on a server.
Added sv_nomvp cvar to turn off MVP stars on a server.
Added sv_nostats cvar to turn off stats on a server.
Removed -tickrate command line option and defaulted tick rate to 66 rather than 33. This addressed a number of issues, including:
Tick rate affecting how fast doors open / close
Tick rate causing players hitting the ground to stutter
Tick rate affecting the firing mechanisms of certain guns


Added the following cvars to allow players to customize their scoreboards.
Changed the screen that appears when the message of the day fails to load to display proper error text.
Made the CT silhouette for the auto-select option in the Choose a Class screen smaller and corrected its aspect ratio.
Addressed a problem that occasionally caused characters to be colored incorrectly on the Change a Class screen.


Made ladders easier to climb. Added cvars sv_ladder_dampen and sv_ladder_angle.
Fixed issue that awarded three points when the bomb explodes after the round ends by elimination criteria instead.
Fixed issue in which you weren’t given credit for grenade damage if you fired a weapon at someone then hit them with a grenade (in that order). Also fixed problem in which grenading a player and then killing them with another weapon showed as ‘*** in 1’ on console.
There’s now a priority order for displaying win conditions when multiple win conditions are set.
If timelimit exists and is not 0, then show timelimit.
If timelimit does not exist, show maxrounds if not 0.
If both timelimit and maxrounds are 0, show winlimit.
If timelimit, maxrounds, and winlimit are all 0, show nothing.
Added a cvar to ignore win conditions: mp_ignore_round_win_conditions.

Asi se divíte, proč v posledních několika dnech naprosto zmizely CS:Source turnaje z webu PLAYzone.cz. Vysvětlení je jednoduché.

Důvodem je blížící se ostré nasazení aktualizace Counter-Strike: Source na jiný engine, které by mělo podle informací z Valve proběhnout během následujících 3 dnů. Update s sebou přinese obrovské změny týkající se serverů, konfiguračního nastavení nebo například i server pluginů. Krizový scénář, na který se připravujeme i u nás je ten, že CS:Source bude po několik dní nebo dokonce týdnů naprosto nehratelné na kompetitivní úrovni.

Neradi bychom rušili více turnajů, než je nezbytně nutné (v současnosti je v ohrožení akorát Mezihernový CSS turnaj), proto jsme se rozhodli udělat malou přestávku, která nepotrvá déle než je nezbytně nutné.

Co se Counter-Strike: Source týče, proběhne také změna na pozici hlavního turnajového a clanbase admina, kterým se stane Radovan '.RaS'  Samek, nahradí tak v mnoha ohledech mojí osobu.

Štítky: turnaj